Posted by @nourishandflourishsyd

I don’t make sandwiches often, but when I do I like to go ALL IN - they’ve gotta be LOADED and JAM-PACKED with all the goodness!! This sandwich is SO FILLING and it’s full of protein, whole grains, fiber, and healthy fats!
Lemme break this down for you:
- Sprouted bread for better digestion (I used Essence Supreme @purelifebakery)
- Superfood spread made from black sesame seeds @everymite (or your favorite spread)
- Roma tomatoes
- Sweet potato Rosti @bitemefinefoods
- Halloumi @littlecreekcheese grilled with Organic Ghee @cocoearthofficial
- Homemade Spiced Red Lentil Dip (lemme know if you want the recipe)
- Alfalfa sprouts @aussiesprout
Serving: Crispy Rice Clouds Salt Vinegar @ceresorganics and Strawberry Lime Kefir @thegoodseedkefir